Valentines Day had just passed. Exchange of greetings are just normal through different kinds of mediums, whether via email, SMS, snail mail or just plain and simple greetings among friends, relatives and of course—lovers.
For lovers, the day may be considered the most important one, it is for me too. Money doesn’t matter much what is important is we are both happy and no major problem arises. I most value the ecard my loving partner sent me. It conveyed a very sweet message and I treasure every word that he stated there. I don’t normally blurt out my feelings over the internet, but I feel this is the right time for me to exclaim it out. He even sort of serenaded me while I’m fixing our new website.
Yes we have a new site! We are still fixing and taking care of it in addition to our Blah-Blah blogs. Please do watch out for it, we promise you it will be an interesting site. It is indeed the site that signifies the coming of age of our blogging life. Here’s the spoiler: It’s called